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Advertisement -Methodist Church -O.L. Kendall, Pastor -Church School 10am -Morning Worship 11am -Special music by the choir
From Weiser American – January 4, 1940
The Methodist Church in Weiser, Idaho, has a long-standing presence within the community. Like many frontier towns, Weiser’s early settlers established religious institutions as central parts of their community. By the late 19th century, Methodist churches began forming throughout Idaho, including Weiser. These churches provided a gathering place for worship and community activities, helping to anchor the town’s religious and social life.
The Snake River Heritage Center, which archives much of Weiser’s local history, notes that the area’s various churches, including the Methodist, contributed significantly to local education and community services. The Methodist congregation in Weiser participated in events and collaborated with other churches, and the Intermountain Institute, an educational institution founded by Reverend Edward Paddock that served the broader community until the Great Depression.
For more details about Weiser’s early religious and educational history, including that of the Methodist Church and nearby Intermountain Institute, you might want to check out resources at the Snake River Heritage Center and the Idaho Heritage Trust.
Methodism, also called the Methodistmovement, is a group of historically related denominationsofProtestantChristianitywhose origins,doctrine and practice derive from the life and teachings ofJohn Wesley. George Whitefieldand John’s brother Charles Wesley were also significant early leaders in themovement. They were namedMethodistsfor “the methodical way in which they carried out their Christian faith”. Methodism originated as a “revival movement” in the Church of Englandin the 18th century and became a separate denomination after Wesley’s death. The movement spread throughout theBritish Empire, the United States, and beyond because of vigorous missionary work, and today has about 80 million adherents worldwide.
Denominations that descend from the British Methodist tradition are generally less ritualistic, while American Methodism is more so, the United Methodist Church in particular.
Methodism is known for its rich musical tradition, and Charles Wesley was instrumental in writing much of the hymnodyofMethodism.
In addition to evangelism, Methodism emphasizescharityand support for the sick, the poor, and the afflicted through theworks of mercy. These ideals, theSocial Gospel, are put into practice by the establishment of hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens, and schools to follow Christ’s command to spreadthe gospeland serve all people. Methodists are historically known for their adherence to the doctrine of nonconformity to the world, reflected by their traditional standards of a commitment toteetotalism, proscription of gambling, regular attendance atclass meetings, and weeklyobservance of theFriday fast.
Early Methodists were drawn from all levels of society, including the aristocracy, but the Methodist preachers took the message to labourers and criminals who tended to be left outside organized religion at that time. In Britain, the Methodist Church had a major effect in the early decades of the developing working class(1760–1820). In the United States, it became the religion of many slaves, who later formedblack churchesin the Methodist tradition.
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