Too many Names on the A-Z Lists? 
 Now easily Search by Name!
Searching Tip – Use the least amount of words necessary, and choose the correct name from the results.
(e.g. “Jones,” not “T Jones,” “T. Jones,” “TS Jones,”  “T.S. Jones,” “Ted Jones,” etc. – just “Jones.”)
A-Z Lists:

Become a Monthly Supporter

If you would like to help Weiser Area Memories stay Advertising Free, Available to All and Free to Users, please consider becoming a Monthly Supporter.
If you would like to show your Weiser-ite pride and let everyone know that you are doing so, please consider becoming a Monthly Supporter.
Our site does incur ongoing monthly expenseswebsite hosting, programming of new features, or making changes to the existing features or operation of the site – we are always looking for ways to make it look and run better – also continuing to spend whatever necessary time is needed to do proper research, and to add more new names and all the other information we find.
Because this site will live much longer than the current caretakers, our goal is assure that it will be self-sufficient enough to cover these costs for the life of the site.
Monthly Supporters will receive their own Display Badge on the Home Page, that when clicked will go to a full sized page for displaying either their personal or business information.
So promote yourself or your business and help Weiser Area Memories be a part of this community for a long, long time.