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A-Z Lists:

Weiser Area Public School Teachers

The Question was: Who is your favorite teacher?

Larry Frazier
Positive High school, Mr Friend; Negative = 1st grade, Mrs. Collins.

Lynn Merrell
Vernal Duncan, Bob Jones, Larry Hansen, Mrs. Westfall, Mr. Emmert, and especially my Dad: Every teacher I had helped me learn and grow. I owe each of them tons for their love and service.

Gary Dawson
well said lynn if you were in band gary green was insperational but ya i cant think of any from sunnyside i to government that had some impact

Naomi Young Field
Mrs Alder in 3rd grade at Sunnyside and Mrs Duclos in High School.

John Domby
I think all my teachers were very good and helped to inspire me in some way. But interesting enough, Mr. Crosby inspired me so much in my freshman year and showed me respect in class and on the JV football field. Then he turned against me when I passed that petition to allow girls to wear pants instead of dresses no matter what the temp and for guys to be allowed to grow their hair longer. At which point he showed me how intolerant and unfair an adult(especially in an authoritative position) could be. So he both inspired and disappointed me.

Marcie McMullen – Avila
JR High was Mr. Merrell in shop and drivers ed, High School was Miss. Coons and Mr. Gregory, also Mrs. Elliott.

Dawn Van Natta
Mrs. Lum and Mrs. Katharyn Mattson. Mrs. Lum taught me that I was okay the way I was. Mrs Mattson inspired the writer in me. I very much appreciate the effort they put out for me and all of their students.

Every teacher in Weiser cared about the success of the students. It isn’t like that everywhere. Teachers for my children and my nieces and nephews seem to care more about how they get rated as a teacher. In Weiser, that whole “Children are the future” idea was certainly real!

Catherine Field Jones
Mr. Robert Over, High School teacher, my neighbor, if had any questions about my school work I would go to him. He would make me understand.

P.L. Paarker
Mrs. Randall – high school English teacher – I loved her class!

Allan Laird
Elaine Randall, Bud Elliot, Garry Green.. All three inspired me to finally enjoy school.

Tanna Kasper
Mr. Hall of course. Band made such an impact on my life. Wish I could still be in that class.

Casey McMullen
Mr. Marty Most, by far, made the biggest impact for me.

Don Stoneman
It would be between Fred Beckman and JoAnn Good.

Robin Maillet
I so agree that Weiser had and has some wonderful teachers. I know I’ll probably leave some out because so many had such impacts on my life – but I am eternally indebted to Gary Green, Frank Aspiri, Jim Reed, Mr. Crosby, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Friend, Mr. Sturtevant, Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Redlin.

Gina Vaughan Price
Lynn Merrell…Was your Dad the Industrial Arts teacher in Jr. High?

Lynn Merrell
Yes, Dad taught shop at WJHS for about 30 years. He is 89 and lives in Vale.

Lynn Merrell
For sure, Fred Beckman taught me a lot.

Dawn Van Natta
Lynn Merrell, I loved building those little cars and racing them. I’m not really sure what I learned in your Dad’s class, but I remember having fun🙂

Penny Syme Thorpe
Miss Coon, she showed me the wonderful land of books. Mr Hansen was the most unforgettable. Great man.

Tiffany Hatfield
Mrs. Kellum!!! She was awesome:) She believed in every student she had!

Dean Harris
Hands down (for me) Mr Sellers.

Leslie Langdon
Mr. Hansen; all the teachers were old and dated; then Mr. Hansen came with a fresh perspective.

Sue Peterson
Gary Green and Larry Hansen. I still remember nearly everything I learned in Biology. Mr. Green not only taught music, but character and life.

Lori Wilson Hoxie
Mr Redlin’s biology class was so much fun and Mr. Trujelio for French class and drama!!

Shelley Babbit
I bet that was Ms. Coons and I was just talking to my mom and she is still alive and kicking in Weiser. And that wasn’t very nice…..lol

Betty Soliz
Mr. Coats, he never gave up on a student no matter what ability they lacked

Seth Mark Webster
Mrs. Mattson was the first teacher who got me to write poetry. And Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Norris for igniting my love of U.S. History

Susan Warren
There are so many that made a difference but I would have to say that Linda Elliott (Duffin) had the greatest positive impact on me.

Maria Flores
Mr. Thomas helped me get through algebra twice ha ha

Michelle Pope
Mr. Kleppin and Mrs. Mattson are my favorites. I had Mr. Kleppin for three of years of math. He always laughed with me when I was so lost in class. Mrs. Mattson I had her for a class every year I was there. My senior year she gave me some advice. I cherish that advice to this day!!! They both really cared about their students. What I appreciate now is the friendship I have with them now. I been out of school 25 years. That is SPECIAL!!!

Katharyn Mattson
How sweet, Michelle. I always say–“you never know what little thing you do or say will make a lasting impact on someone… So be careful.

Catherine Field Jones
Mrs. Betts with FCLA and family and life skills and she love having fun with us when we went on your trips. She the best.

Lynette Neeld
I too had many teachers that went the extra mile that touched my heart. Mr. Hubbard, Miss Elliot, Mr. Merrill and I am sure a few I have left out.

Carlene Comer
I’ll never forget Mrs. Clausen in 6th grade, she was great! I remember her reading “Where the Red Fern Grows” and all of us crying, even her.

Ali Bagley Bosquet
Mrs Norris, 4th grade. She paddled me. Thats just about the only lesson I learned in all my school years.

Brian Graham
Hands down, Mike Thomas and Marilyn Ulmer.

John R. Bishop
I didn’t understand at the time, but Mrs. Foy was probably the best teacher I have ever had. There was no coasting in her classes. No matter how hard I tried not to pay attention, her lessons must have gotten through. College English and writing were a breeze.

Lidia Ortiz
Didn’t we all have Mr. Crosby, Mr. Thomas, and Miss Coons at one time? All greaht teachers who shared their passion for teaching . Mr. Hansen rocked as a counselor. Thanks to Mrs. Betts for teaching so many boys how to do their own laundry and how to cook a little bit of food. Thanks to Mrs. Kelley for teaching us how to type. (how could we be on facebook without it?) WHS had/ has great teachers who truly care about their students. Thinking about it now…do any of you remember Mr. Most and his motivational quotes he would write on the chalkboard? He had the greatest impact in my life, not just because I may have had a crush on him (he was handsome and intelligent), but he inspired me to take a position, be confident, and most importantly, “If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” He has influenced me everyday of my life. (I would like to take this moment to apologize to Miss Coons….I am sorry, it was wrong for David Youngblood and I to name our rat… in Advanced Biology….Alameda. I am sorry.)




Dawn Van Natta

Lidia Ortiz, We did have all those teachers together. However, I had Mrs. Katharyn Mattson for typing and shorthand. Which I still use. 🙂 Did you have Mr. Michaels for Biology? He told me I wasn’t smart enough to be in his class. LOL he was probably right but it still made me mad.



Katharyn Mattson

Dawn, Not me for typing, etc. I taught US History, psychology, Sophmore English (expository compisition and research papers), Am Lit, consumer economics. business writing, and anything else they could throw at me!!! In 87, they gave half my subjects to the coaches and split me between the high school and junior high.. Tim took a job as an electrician with Newmont Gold in Elko the winter of 88/89 and I followed him after someone was found to teach my classes. 🙁



Dawn Van Natta

Maybe I just wanted it to be you. LOL I really do use my shorthand shortcuts now. Especially while I was in college. LOL

Katharyn Mattson

Thanks, Dawn!

Michael Campbell

Ms Gonzales English she’s still there and corrects me when I see her around love that women.

Terra Tarter

Mrs. Good was awesome! And Mrs Hussman for teaching me to break down scientific words…has been tremendously helpful in my horticulture career 🙂

Dave Mansker

That’s a tough choice for me, Blake Coats made a difference to me, Kleppin, did for sure, but I think Mr. Markel has the biggest impact on my life all told. He encouraged me to “think outside the box” so to speak. To break up my ways of thought and take a look at the world for myself, made quite a difference.

Terra Tarter

Yeah, Mr. Coats was cool too…he put up with a lot of shenanigans lol 🙂



Dave Mansker

He sure did! But he was a good guy, he really seemed interested in whether or not you were learning something and having fun doing it.
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