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Jerry Robert Jones


Class of 1943
Oct 6, 1947 – Aug 8, 1924
Gun Victim’s Services Today
Jerry R. Jones, 23, Was Member Of Pioneer Family
WEISER (Special) — Services for Jerry Robert Jones, 23, of Weiser, who died early Saturday morning at a Nampa hospital from a wound caused by the accidental discharge of a shotgun at Jordan Valley, Ore., will be conducted at the Northam-Jones Chapel at 2:30 p.m. today.
The Rev. A. E. Gilbert of the Methodist Church will officiate, and interment will be at Hillcrest.
Mr. Jones, who was in business with his father, Ralph Ostner Jones, a prominent stockman and rancher of Weiser, was working with a hay crew at their Jordan Valley ranch when the accident occurred. As he opened the car door to remove a shotgun, the gun fell out and discharged into his leg above the left knee.
Dies of Blood Loss
He died from shock and loss of blood, despite emergency treatment at Jordan Valley and repeated blood transfusions at the hospital.
Mr. Jones was born Aug. 8, 1924, in Boise, and was graduated from Weiser High School in 1943. He served two and one-half years with the Marine Corps in the South Pacific during World War II. He was discharged Feb. 5, 1946.
He was married March 4, 1946, in Weiser to Miss Edna Garrett, daughter of Harry Garrett of Boise, who survives.
The family is well known as members of a pioneer Boise valley family. Mr. Jones was the grandson of Jerry D. Jones, founder of the Idaho Hardware company in Boise. His great aunt is Mrs. Julie Adelmann, 221 Jefferson street, Boise.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by an infant son, Michael; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones; two sisters, Mrs. Steuben Thomas and Miss Ruth Louise Jones, all of Weiser; one brother, Gordon Jones, serving with the Army air forces in Korea; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munro, Weiser; one uncle, Glen Munro, Weiser, and two aunts, Miss Clara Jones, Beverly Hills, Calif., and Mrs. Philip Sauve, Santa Monica, Calif.
From The Idaho Statesman – Oct 6, 1947
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