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A-Z Lists:

D.E. Johns & Son, Bag Company

January 1943 – Weiser Signal
Commercial near West First Street
Opened business January 1943
-Feed Bags / Onion Storage Bags / Grain Bags
-Twine-Bags Cleaned and Patched
From Weiser Signal American – January 1, 1953
Later became Idaho Bag Company
Weiser Sack Plant Starts Operations
(The Statesman Weiser Bureau)
WEISER—Operations in the burlap sack mending plant of D. E. Johns and Son were started Tuesday morning. Work will be continued throughout the season, or as long as sacks are received.
More than 20,000 sacks are on hand now to be mended. They come from growers and packers throughout western Idaho and eastern Oregon. Last season many thousands came from Caldwell, Nampa and other intermediate points. During the last two seasons the plant has taken approximately 150,000 sacks which otherwise would have been discarded, mended them for use as containers for potatoes, onions, wheat and other farm products.
Four specially constructed, electrically driven sewing machines are operated by women in the sack mending operations. Preceding this process the sacks are thoroughly cleaned by powerful vacuum equipment.
From The Idaho Statesman – May 3, 1944
Japanese Enters Business in Weiser
(The Statesman Idaho Wire) WEISER —The initial entrance of a Japanese into business here was reported Tuesday by Johns when they announced the sale of their sack mending plant to J. H. Ogami of Seattle. Ogami took possession of the business at once and is now operating it.
The plant was established by Johns about three years ago to alleviate the scarcity of burlap sacks. Four especially built electric powered sewing machines were installed. Since the plant’s opening, more than 200,000 burlap bags, formerly discarded, have been mended and returned to use.
Johns predicted that the volume of business of the plant this season will break all previous records.
From The Idaho Statesman -Wed, Aug 9, 1944 – Page 6
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