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Building Boom at Weiser – 1890

(Note: This article was published only 6 weeks after the devastating Old Town Fire.)
(Click Image for Enlargement, if available)
Washington County Courthouse
A genuine building boom, says the Weiser Leader, has struck the town at the present time, and to prove the fact we have only to note a few of the substantial structures now in the course of erection. To begin with, we see the new courthouse, to be built of brick, the cost of which will be $15,445, and when completed will be one of the finest, if not the finest, structures of its kind in the state.
The next largest building is that of the Idaho Commercial Company, which is also built of brick and when completed will be 70×170 in size. The next most important in size are the two hotels—the McGregor Hotel and the new hotel being erected near the Haas Store. Besides this list of buildings, the following named gentlemen are putting up substantial brick store buildings: Waterhouse & Jenney, Ayers, Hopkins, Kleindent, Jones & Son, Idaho Land & Improvement Company. These buildings will be in size from 25×50 to 35×90.
The mill building will also soon be commenced, and work has begun on the new store building to be occupied by Louis Sommer, which will be of brick and two stories high, the upper story being used for office purposes. There are also several other buildings contemplated for various purposes.
The only inconvenience suffered by builders and those contemplating building is the lack of material, and this is being furnished as fast as it can be manufactured. At the present time, there is no less than half a million dollars worth of buildings in the course of construction at Weiser; and every artisan, mechanic, and day laborer is busy.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho – August 1, 1890
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Also See Days of Yore
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