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Fuller Building

State & East Main Streets – Southeast Corner
Another Handsome New Building Will Be Built at Once By J.J. Fuller
Cost – $8,000 – Contract Let. 
Through the energetic and progressive qualities of J.J. Fuller, Weiser will have another handsome business building, the construction of which will begin at once. Already workmen are engaged in removing the old sheds and preparing for excavation for the foundation. This new building will be erected at the corner of State & Main Streets, opposite the Signal building, on the site now occupied by the Red Front Corral. The cost of this handsome new structure will be about $8,000. The contract was let Thursday to A. J. Hopkins and is to be completed about October 1. The building will be 50×70 feet, two stories, and will be built of brick and stone. It will front on State street, and on the Northwest corner will be a 50-foot tower. The first floor will be one large storeroom with two front entrances, and the second floor will contain 12 splendid office rooms and two large hallways.
The building will be equipped with every convenience and will be modern in every detail. It is stated that already nearly all the office rooms have been engaged and that the first floor will be occupied by an up-to-date department store. This is one of the very best locations in the city and this handsome building will add greatly to the attractions of the city. Mr. Fuller is to be commended for his splendid enterprise and and all join in wishing him every success in this new and important step.
From The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal – June 25 1904 – Page 5
The Famous Store, with only the north building constructed
-Built in 1905 by John (J.J.) Fuller.
-Occupied the North one third of the block.
-Later an apartment building with matching exterior was built on the center one third of the block.
-The Van Sicklin Building, with a different exterior and roofline, was built on the South one third of the block next to the alley, and contained a second turret that matched the one on the first building.
-The Fuller Building was the largest of the 3 buildings.
-First tenant was The Famous Store – occupying the complete first floor.
-Next came Galey’s Golden Rule Store, sometime before 1915.
Everybody’s Dept. Store  was the occupant in the 1930s, 40s and 50s.
Golden Rule Store with additional building and both turrets
In the 1960s became the Reinhaus Building.
Reinhaus Shoes & Reid’s Shoe Store were the ground floor tenants of the Reinhaus Building and located next door to each other – I think there was a connecting doorway between them.
-At some point before August 1970, the cone shaped roof on the North turret was removed, as well as the complete turret on the South building.
Marcus Reinhaus died 1979 – Morrie Reinhaus took over the store, expanded and refurbished the complete half block into the Washington Square Complex.
Claudia Reinhaus opened the corner store as Puff n’ Stuff Clothing.
-Fire destroyed the second floor and corner turret in the North building on September 23, 1983.
G&D Factory Outlet was the corner tenant at the time of the fire.
-Other businesses displaced were: Braden’s Shoe Store, Hair Vendors, Century 21 Real Estate, Whiting Insurance and the Montgomery Ward Store.
-Most of those businesses relocated across the street into the vacated King’s Variety Store, divided up the space and created Weiser’s first indoor mall.
-The ground floor was remodeled and reopened – the second floor was not – replaced with a flat roof.
-Current tenant and building owner in 2023 – Casey Hoskins who owns Casey Girl Designs.
From Facebook – Weiser Museum Group, July 9, 2023
After the fire: Second floor and corner turret destroyed

J.J. Fuller has purchased the Jack Ennor Livery Stable and three lots on Second Street, for consideration of $3,000.
From Weiser Signal March 15, 1900
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