George J. Davis is the sole agent for The Standard Horse and Cattle Food in Washington County. Send for a sample and give it a trial.
Sommer & Gorrie have a fine lot of ladies’, misses’, and children’s cloaks, as well as gents’ overcoats, which they will sell at low prices.
From a private letter from Warrens, it is learned that there isn’t a particle of snow in that camp. On the contrary, they are having warm, sunshine-filled days, though it is quite frosty at nights.
C.W. Townley has sold the Hotel Weiser to Sterns & Bostwick, late of Baker City. We did not learn the consideration, but these gentlemen will make it equal to any in the state.
Sommer & Gorrie will close out their stock of ladies’, misses’, and children’s cloaks at fifty percent below the regular price. Go and see them before they are all sold out.
Sommer & Gorrie also have a fine selection of gents’ overcoats at astonishingly low prices.