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 339 State Street – State & West Idaho Streets –  Southwest Corner in the IOOF Building.
John Fagerstedt opened the Metropole cigar store and pool hall in the old Wheaton Theater Building on North State Street in 1911, then moved to the IOOF Building at State & West Idaho Streets 6 years later, where he expanded the business into a full cafe, pool room, cigars and tobacco, fountain and sporting goods business, which he operated until his death in 1946.

Before Fagerstedt came to Weiser

Candidate For Sheriff, Elmore County.
(Click Image to Enlarge)
Fagerstadt for Sherriff – 1910
The office of sheriff requires as its incumbent a man of nerve as well as of intelligence, and the voters of Elmore county are fortunate in having John Fagerstedt as the republican nominee.
He is comparatively a young man, having been born in Kansas on October 16, 1878. He was educated at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, and moved to Boulder, Colorado, a city of 14,000 population in 1892. He was appointed a policeman in that city in the spring of 1900 and served three years, being later elected to the office of chief of police which position he held for three years when he resigned to come west. He served as deputy sheriff of Boulder County in conjunction with the latter office. In 1907 he moved to Mountain Home, where he has been permanently located ever since, having first engaged in business and later purchased ranch property which he is now improving.
Mr. Fagerstedt is of commanding presence and is familiarly known by his friends as “Big John.” He is big in mind as well as in body and the word fear has no place in his vocabulary. Aside from being an ideal man to preserve the peace and enforce the laws, he is fitted by education to properly handle the office details which form a large part of the sheriff’s duties and upon which the welfare of the county is greatly dependent.
From Mountain Home Maverick – Mountain Home, Idaho – Thu, Oct 27, 1910


John Fagerstedt came up Wednesday from Weiser where he has established himself in the cigar and pool hall business.
John informs us that he has secured a good location and is doing a good business. He caters only to the best trade and has the support of the business men of Weiser.
He will immediately pack his household goods and ship them to his new home.
Mrs. Fagerstedt will leave in a few days for a three months visit with her parents at Boulder, Colorado.
To the Republican, Mr. Fagerstedt stated that he regretted leaving Mountain Home and believes that there is a promising future in store for our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fagerstedt have a host of friends who will regret to see them leave and with these the Republican wishes for them success in their new home.
From Elmore County Republican – Mountain Home, Idaho Sat, Mar 4, 1911 – Page 1

Weiser Sport Shop Changes Hands

(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
WEISER The sale of the Metropole Sport Shop to Joe Nichols of Boise, was announced Saturday by John Fagerstedt, owner. Nichols will take charge of the business Monday.
Fagerstedt established the Metrapole in the old Wheaton Theater Building 33 years ago, and moved it to its present location 25 years ago. It is one of the largest cafes in the city.
Nichols came here a short time ago from Boise and purchased the Colonial Auto Courts from A.E. Lane. He will conduct both businesses.
Fagerstedt, who came here from Mountain Home in 1911, said he has made no future plans, except that he will take a rest. He plans to reside in Weiser.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho Sun, Aug 13, 1944 – Page 8B

Fagerstedt Buys Metropole Shop Back

(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
WEISER Sale of the Metropole Sport Shop by Ed Nelson to its former owner and operator, John Fagerstedt, was announced Tuesday night and confirmed Wednesday by Fagerstedt, who took immediate possession of the business.
The amount of the consideration was not made public. 
The Metropole operates a cafe, pool room, cigars and tobacco, fountain and sporting goods business. It was sold in August, 1944, by Fagerstedt to Joseph Nichols of Boise, who operated the business a few months and then sold it to Ed Nelson, also of Boise.
Fagerstedt originally, started the business in the then Wheaton Theater Building about 34 years ago, and operated it continuously for about 33 years.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho Thu, Oct 18, 1945 – Page 11

Weiser Man Dies as Car Falls in Canal

(Click Image for Enlargement, if Available)
A heart attack was believed Monday night to have caused the death here of John Fagerstedt, prominent Weiser businessman, whose automobile swerved from Highway 30 Monday morning and plunged into the waters of the Ridenbaugh canal near the Dutch Mill.
Coroner William McBratney said he believed Fagerstedt was either dying or already dead of the heart attack when his car went over the embankment into the canal.
The coroner said there would be no inquest, and the body was taken to Weiser Monday afternoon. Time for the services was not announced.
In Weiser, the chamber of commerce asked proprietors of business establishments to close their doors during services for Fagerstedt as a mark of respect for the pioneer Washington county resident.
Witnesses said that Fagerstedt was driving east on highway 30 when his car suddenly swerved, went over the side of the road and rolled into the canal.
The accident was seen by W.H. Matthews and his son, C.B. Matthews, of 1711 Columbus street, Boise, who were on Overland road going toward the highway.
The younger Matthews dived into the canal and dragged Fagerstedt from the wreckage to the north bank, and called aid. A pulmotor squad from the fire department labored over the victim but attempts to revive him were futile. Dr. T.N. Braxton pronounced Fagerstedt dead.
Fagerstedt was about 69 years of age. He came to the United States from Sweden with his parents when he was nine years old.
In 1904 he moved to Mountain Home and was married there to Miss Mary Boundy. The couple came to Weiser in 1911 where he opened and operated the Metropole cigar store for more than 30 years. During the war he was a member of the selective service board of Washington County.
He had served as president of the board of trustees of the Independent school district in Weiser for 25 years. He was a member of the Weiser Masonic fraternity, a trustee in the lodge, and member of the Scottish Rite and the Shrine.
Survivors include his wife, Mary, a daughter, Mrs. Robertson Smith of Weiser, a son, Jack Fagerstedt of Spokane, and three grandchildren.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho. Tue, Aug 27, 1946 – Page 1

Fagerstedt Services Held at High School

(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
WEISER Services for John Fagerstedt, 69, were conducted at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the auditorium of the Weiser High School by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Frank Rhea of Boise. Interment was at Hillcrest, where Weiser lodge No. 23, A.F. & A.M., conducted a ritualistic service. Members of Lauote Chapter of the Eastern Star Lodge, attended the service in a body.
Active pall bearers were George Geddes, of Boise, L. B. Frye, E. M. Joseph, Roy V. Locey, Harley W. Benfer, Frank Faurot, Chester G. Taylor and Bert Kimball, all members of the Weiser Masonic Lodge. Honorary, were Grover C. Garr, Harry O’Leary, James Denny, O. F. Foskett, Elmer Rock and Al D. Hunt.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho. Fri, Aug 30, 1946 – Page 16
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