Hot Lunch program at Sunnyside School
1941, 1942, 1943 – the hot lunch was one hot dish fixed from government surplus.
The cooks were Mrs. Cherri, Mrs. Ben Cope, another Mrs. Cope and helper Mrs. David Frank. The reason the hot lunch quit, was the cooks asked for a 10 cent raise.
1953-1954, the hot lunch came into being again with the backing of the PTA. With the following officers: Mrs. Dorothy Macomb – president, Mrs. Neola Dunker – book keeper, Mrs. Pearl Jackson – buyer,
Mr. James Cronk my fifth and six grade teacher, Mrs. Roxy Youngberg – chairman, Mrs. Virginia Odoms – cook.
Days served – 171, number of meals, children: 15,325, adults- 866,
1954-1955, committee – Pearl Jackson, Bea Campbell – chairman, Neola Dunker – buyer, bookkeeper, Dorothy Macomb, Mr. Cronk,
Days served 171 Number of meals child 13,903
1955-1956, Committee – Roxy Youngberg, Maxine Carpenter—-Sec my mother,Neola Dunker —- buyer — bookkeeper, Mrs. Alder my third and fourth grade teacher, Jackie Pridgeon , Alice Stone
cooks Virginia Odoms and Ruth Batzel
Days served 171 meals child 10,085
1956- 1955, committee Grace Pennington-chairman , Vella Michael, Sec. Mrs. Alder , Joyce Judd, Neola Dunker — buyer, and Bookkeeper. Rhoma Dille cook
September to January days served 93 meals 6,723,
1957-1958 – Presidents Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Dunker
Vice Presidents Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dilkes
Secretary Mr. & Mrs. Jay Bennion
Treasury Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gochnour
Funds from the dinner were all used for the budget which had been set up previously.
1958-1959, President – Mrs. Rulon Zaugg,
Vice President – Mrs. Don Kautz,
Secretary – Mrs. George Dusenberry,
Treasury – Mrs. Raymond Eisenbarth
It was decided to only have one person as officer rather than a Mr. & Mrs. An annual dinner has been held again this year. The Mothers also did a lot of canning to help their lunch program. We are still members of the council which is very inactive, but is still giving scholarships and the Teachers luncheon and reception.