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Thomas C. Galloway


June 1837 – June 1916
(Click Image for Enlargement, if available)
Thomas C Galloway
(Obituary not found, search results used instead.)
June 1837 Born in Wisconsin. 
1860 Salt Lake Oregon. Living at home with parents and six siblings.
1870 Boise City. Wife and 1 child. Farmer.
1880 Mann Creek. Wife and 6 children. Farmer.
1882 Joint-Councilman Ada County.
1883 Moved to Boise for good schools for his children.
Don’t know when they moved back to Weiser
1884 Joint-Councilman Washington County.
1885 he was called Honorable T.C. Galloway.
1888 Leader in enlarging ditch for Weiser Water Company
1889 Residence burned. (See Below)
1893 Trustee of Mountain Home Reform School. 
1898 Weiser Town Trustee.
1899 Mayor of Weiser
1900 Weiser. Wife and 6 children. Farmer. 
Councilman of Ward 2.
Vice President of Idaho State Cattle and Horse Raisers Assoc.
Building new residence on his ranch outside city limits.
1910 Weiser. Wife and 4 children. Farmer
June 1916 Died in Weiser.
From Lois Hill Titus
Thomas C. Galloway
Young Thomas Galloway
Weiser pioneer Thomas C. Galloway was born June 6, 1837 in Iowa County, Wisconsin, about forty miles southwest of Madison. According to the Illustrated History, his grandfather came to America from Scotland in time to fight in the Revolutionary War and was present at Yorktown when Lord Cornwallis surrendered there. Thomas was a teenager when the family emigrated along the Oregon Trail to Yamhill County, Oregon in 1852. Tom pursued a variety of jobs, including some time as a teacher, before leading pack trains to the British Canadian gold camps.
In 1863, Galloway packed supplies into the Boise Basin, then stayed to work in the gold fields. The following year, he and Woodson Jeffreys settled along the Weiser River. Tom built a log hut at the future site of Weiser City, and then replaced it three years later with a frame structure. Galloway ran these first buildings in the area as a simple hotel for several years. About 1868, he began a major expansion of his horse and cattle holdings.
His horse herd grew to be one of the largest in the area. Galloway’s Weiser City properties increased in value even more with the arrival of the Oregon Short Line Railroad in early 1884.  Tom served two terms on the Territorial Council (equivalent to the state Senate) in 1882 and 1884. He moved the family to Boise City at that time, partly so their children could take advantage of its better educational institutions. Tom maintained interests in Weiser and they moved back when the children had graduated from high school.
Weiser, ca. 1888. Weiser Museum.
During this period, Galloway was considered such an expert on stock raising that the leading agricultural journal of the day published his views on “Points of a Good Jack.” He recommended various male ass breeds for siring mules for different uses. If one needed a heavy draft animal, “then the Maltese ass or the Poitiers ass is required.”
In addition to his ranch, real estate, and business holdings, Galloway led the way in bringing irrigation to the higher plains along the Weiser River. A cooperative started the project, but apparently had neither the resources nor relevant skills to complete the job. Thomas attracted additional investors to finish the work. However, according to Judge Frank Harris, they eventually sold their rights to a local water district “at somewhat of a loss” because of the hassles involved in running the enterprise.
By the turn of the century, Tom owned over fourteen hundred acres of land around Weiser, some of it within the city limits. In late 1901, Galloway represented Idaho as a Delegate-at-Large at the Annual Convention of the National Live Stock Association. A few months later, he was elected President of the Washington County Stock Raisers Association.
In 1903, he served a term in the state House of Representatives. He also served as a justice of the peace in Weiser City, served on the city council, and later on the school board. While the Galloways lived in Boise, they had a son, Thomas C. Jr., who became an eminent medical researcher.
Galloway House.
The elder Thomas passed away in June 1916. The Weiser mansion he had built in 1899-1900 is now on the National Register of Historic Places.
He reportedly sold eight hundred horses at $15 each to finance the place. (Today, it is the  Galloway Inn, a bed & breakfast furnished in period décor.)
From Facebook
They Came to Idaho in the Early Sixties
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Galloway and their Children.
(Click Image for Enlargement, if available)
T.C. Gallager and family – 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Galloway, whose picture with that of their family appears in today’s pioneer column, are among the oldest residents of Weiser. Mr. Galloway is a native of Wisconsin, coming to Oregon in the early days. He went from Oregon to northern Idaho in ’62 and came to the Weiser valley in 1863.
Mr. Galloway married Miss Mary Flournoy of Boise, daughter of Colonel Flournoy, in 1868, and they have made their home at Weiser ever since. They have nine children, the youngest of whom is 24 years old, all of whom are living. Both Mr. Galloway and his wife have been foremost in every movement for the good of the Weiser valley, being particularly interested in the educational interests of Weiser. Mr. Galloway has done much to foster every effort toward the advancement of education. He is a keen business man and has a charming home in Weiser where he lives surrounded by his children.
Mr. Galloway suffered all the privations incident to early pioneer life, from Indian wars to hard winters, all of which have probably made him the sturdy pioneer which he now is.
Mr. and Mrs. Galloway’s children, all of whom live at Weiser, are: Mrs. A. Dickerson, Mrs. Aubrey Butterfield, Augustus Galloway, Guy Galloway, Kate Galloway, James Galloway, Thomas C. Galloway, Jr., Charles Galloway, and Miss Francis Galloway.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho – Sun, Feb 13, 1920
Fire Destroys Galloway Residence in Weiser City
The large and well-furnished residence of Mr. T.C. Galloway of Weiser City was destroyed by fire around 9 o’clock Wednesday evening, September 18th. The blaze began from a candle left on a table near the lace curtains of a window. The family had retired for the night, and the fire spread so quickly that they were able to save little more than the night clothes they were wearing.
From The Idaho Statesman – Boise, Idaho – Sun, Sep 22, 1889 – Page 3
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