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Vial Building

M.L Vial

It is seldom in a town of this size that the réportorial eye rests upon as fine and well selected stock of jewelry as that which fills the cases of M.L. Vial. Diamonds glitter in rings, pins and brooches, turquoise, opal, garnet and pearl, alongside, equally beautiful, if less expensive, in solid and rolled gold settings; gold and silver watches, warranted as time keepers, bronze and other clocks, plaited and solid silverware in exquisite designs, chains of the latest patterns and much more beside goes to make up his stock.
He also carries optical goods and tests eyes and fills glasses. He is a thorough workman and his reputation as an expert watchmaker brings him fine repairing from a distance. Mr. Vial is a pleasant man socially, and is held in high esteem by all who know him.
From The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal – Oct 27, 1898 – Page 1
WEISER BUILDING— Plans for a two-story building for M.L. Vial of Weiser have been completed by Ross Cartee and bids for construction will soon be asked for. The first floor will be occupied by Mr. Vial’s Jewelry Store. The building, which will cost about $8000, will have a handsome pressed brick front with plate glass.
From The Idaho Statesman – Mar 15, 1906 – Page 5
M.L. Vial, the Jeweler, Now Located in His New Building.
M.L. Vial is now located in his handsome new brick across the street from the old stand.
The new quarters are very pleasant and Vial proposes to keep his stock up to the dignity of his building. He has ordered another wall case for musical instruments, and several more handsome show cases, and to make up the display therein he is more than doubling his stock of musical goods and already fine display of jewelry. He will also put in one of the best lines of silverware ever seen in a town of this size. 
By upright dealing and advanced business methods he has built up a successful trade, and it is gratifying to see him, as well as any other business man, turn the profits to the upbuilding and advancement to the town.
Louis first came to Weiser in 1891, and located his shop in the upper story of the Sommer & Gorrie building (now a part of the Hotel Weiser) in Old Town; he was just across the hall from the Signal Office. In 1892, a year later, he bought the lot from which he has just moved and put up a small store,  which he afterward enlarged and improved with a better front; later he built the neat residence which which he occupies on Main street. Last spring he bought this lot on which his new building stands and this fall built the structure which he has just moved into, and as his business will no doubt continue to grow, we can look for the building to expand and grow pretentious likewise.
From The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal – Nov 09, 1899 – Page 3
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