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property, has paid the debt to Metcalf, has employed Rev. Ludwig Gree, a man of culture and great experience in college teaching, as the Academy principal, and he is arranging for an excellent faculty. The society is also assuming the operating expenses for this year. It only remains to pay the local indebtedness and thoroughly repair the building and school so it will go on permanently. These two items will cost around $3,000. The society wants to find out if the community really wants this academy, and this is a chance to find out. The society and Dr. Clifton feel that, in view of the benefit of the school to Weiser and the surrounding territory, the Weiser people should assist in the payments of these debts and in improving the property to meet requirements.
The last of the presidents, Rev. David R. MacDonaco, D.D., wished to lease the school for five years. The Congregational Educational Society refused this offer, but after a year’s vacancy, reopened the school in 1905 under Prof. Ludwig Thomsen, an able teacher. For some mysterious reason, however, it was closed after one year.
Weiser Academy put an educational announcement in the July 19, 1905, Signal, to-wit: “Weiser Academy will re-open its doors to young men and women on September 12, 1905. Professor Ludwig Thomsen, an experienced instructor, has been elected principal, assisted by an able corps of teachers, will provide every necessary facility for the training of young people to enter college or university or to enter the active duties of life. The academy has already done a grand work among many young people in its past history, its graduates now holding positions of honor and trust. One recent graduate goes this fall from Weiser to Oxford, England, as a Cecil Rhodes Scholar.
The location of the academy is unsurpassed, 2300 feet altitude, overlooking the wonderful Snake River, pure sweet water from the academy well, comparable immunity from lung and malarial disease. All buildings on a high-level bench overlooking the town of Weiser. It has four courses of study: Classical, Scientific, Musical, Business, including shorthand and typing. Substantial two buildings for young ladies and young gentlemen are separate, well-situated in close proximity to the chapel.