First eighth grade ever to graduate from the combined Weiser Junior High School.
I have a newspaper article, I don’t know what newspaper it was in, that says Junior High School to Graduate 118 at Thursday Rite: Commencement exercises for the first eighth grade ever to graduate from the combined Weiser Junior High School will be held in the East Side Gym at 8 p.m. on May 23, 1957, Principal Harry Reeves announced.
School Board Member, (my uncle Carroll Martin,) will present diplomas to 118 students, which includes all the eighth graders of Weiser school district 431-A.
Speaker will be the Rev. M.M. Matlock, who will give an address entitled “Big Game.” Invocation will be given by the Rev. Walter E. Glenn and the benediction will be by Bishop Kenneth Moser.
Junior High School teachers are Miss Phyllis Elvy, Thomas Falash, Mesdames Leona Mehl, Wilma Redford, Ruth Westfall and Ford Smith.
Then it listed the names of graduates: