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Weiser Municipal Airport

The Weiser Municipal Airport was established in the 1940’s in the Sunnyside Orchards tract near the Snake River. The airport is located about three miles from the town of Weiser.
Weiser Airport Buildings Aerial
In 1990 a major renovation took place and the main runway was re-constructed. The runway was lengthened to 4000 ft. and the widened to 60 ft.
The airport most recently updated the runway with a new asphalt mat and improved the drainage along the runway. Past projects have included installing taller wildlife/security fence with security gates. A PAPI was installed on runway 30, and REILS lighting system on runway 12/30 were installed several years ago. The above projects have been funded by Federal, State, and local matching funds.
In 2001 the main hanger caught fire and was completely burned down. A new modern hanger was constructed in 2002 on the same site. It provides heated and cooled restroom and pilots lounge.
There is an airport courtesy car on site, for rental by pilots flying into the Weiser Airport.
The Weiser Airport is situated on eighty-six (86) acres south of Weiser City limits. Elevation at the Weiser Airport is 2,120 ft. above sea level. When the airport was constructed in 1990, it was designed for a maximum load limit of 12,500 lbs.
From City of Weiser – 2011
(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
Definite plans for the construction of the Weiser Municipal Airport were started Wednesday on the arrival of Charles S. King, engineer of the Civil Aeronautics administration at Seattle. The engineer and members of the airport committee began an inspection of the field early Wednesday.
King supplied the committee with valuable suggestions and instructions on the procedure to be followed in laying out and leveling the field and constructing the runways.
Commenting on the Carnefix site, King said, “it is an excellent one,” and added that when completed, it may be possible to get the field in a higher class later on, if the occasion demands, he said.
The Idaho Statesman
Boise, Idaho – August 24 1944 – Page 10
Weiser Secures Airport Priority
(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
Priorities for the purchase of materials which are essential in the erection of a hangar at the Weiser Municipal Airport, have been secured and the work of constructing the building will be started without delay. This information was given out Monday by Leslie Johnson, city engineer, who has general supervision of the work of improving the air field, by the building of runways and the installation of facilities.
Johnson said the hangar, which is the first of a number that will be erected, if, and when, the “master building plan”, submitted by the Civil Aeronautics administration, is put into effect, will be 60 by 78 feet in size. The structure will house six planes of the type and size likely to make use of the field. A portion of the building will be utilized by a shop in which necessary repairs can be made on planes. The building will be constructed of cinder blocks.
The Idaho Statesman
Boise, Idaho · Tuesday, April 10, 1945
Trusses in Place At Weiser Airport
(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
Fabricated by artisans in the Seattle area, three long, heavy trusses, which will support the roof of the hangar, which is in process of construction at the Weiser municipal airport, are now in position, this information given out by Lee Hopkins, member of the city’s force of employes, who is in direct charge of building operations at the field.
Hopkins said the trusses are fully 60 feet in length and that they are of an immense weight, but they were hoisted by block and tackle into position on the top of the cinder block walls of the hangar, without the slightest difficulty.
The immense trusses were built to such precision that every side brace was bolted immediately into place in the holes drilled by workmen on the coast, without the necessity of the slightest change, by the local builders.
Hopkins explained that the next phase of construction will be that of laying the sheeting, which will form the foundation, or base for the roof of the structure. The material used for sheeting will be matched flooring of good quality. This flooring when in place, will be topped with an asbestos composition surface that will be completely fireproof. Hopkins said that the work on the hangar is proceeding slowly, because of the labor shortage, but extra care is being taken to make a good job, and the completed structure will be most substantial in every detail.
The Idaho Statesman
Boise, Idaho -Thu, Jul 5, 1945 – Page 8
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